Snake Keylogger is a malware developed using .NET. It’s focused on stealing sensitive information from a victim’s device, including saved credentials, the victim’s keystrokes, screenshots of the victim’s screen, and clipboard data.
TAGS: Snake Keylogger, Infostealer, C2 Communication, FTP, .NET, Screen Capture, clipboard data, Obfuscated DLL, Disable AV
MALWARE FAMILY: Snake Keylogger
ATT&CK IDS: T1010 - Application Window Discovery, T1027 - Obfuscated Files or Information, T1053 - Scheduled Task/Job, T1055 - Process Injection, T1056 - Input Capture, T1113 - Screen Capture, T1115 - Clipboard Data, T1140 - Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information, T1562 - Impair Defenses
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